Executive Summary

The Saudi National Data Management Office (NDMO) Framework and the EDM Council Data Management Capability Assessment Model (DCAMTM) are extremely complementary. This paper provides some examples of the mapping between these data management frameworks. This article/paper is not endorsed by either the NDMO or the EDMC.

Saudi NDMO Framework

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has established the NDMO within the Saudi Data & Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA) to define how data should be used effectively and impartially within the kingdom. The NDMO mission statement refers to data as the new oil. The KSA Data Management and Personal Data Protection Framework consists of standards including controls and specifications across 15 domains that span the data lifecycle from creation, storage, movement, usage, till retirement (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: KSA Data Management and Personal Data Protection Framework.

EDM Council & DCAM

The EDM Council is a global association created to elevate the practice of data management as a business and operational priority. The EDM Council maintains the DCAM framework, which is an industry standard to assess an organization’s data maturity. The DCAM v2.2 Framework has eight components, 38 capabilities, and 136 sub-capabilities (see Figure 2)

Figure 2: DCAM v2.2 Framework

NDMO consists of domains, controls, and specifications. DCAM consists of components, capabilities, and sub-capabilities. This article provides a few examples of the mappings between the two frameworks across different levels of the respective hierarchies.

Data Governance

The first specification within the NDMO Framework is a requirement to establish a Data Management and Personal Data Protection Strategy. Figure 3 shows mapping between the NDMO and DCAM frameworks.

Figure 3: Mapping of Data Governance across NDMO and DCAM Frameworks

Data Management Organization

NDMO has a specification for every member of the Data Management Organization while DCAM has a capability encompassing the entire staffing (see Figure 4).

Figure 4: Mapping of Data Management Roles across NDMO and DCAM Frameworks.

Guiding Principles

Figure 5 shows a mapping of the NDMO Guiding Principles Specification to the DCAM Process Excellence is Established Capability.

Figure 5: Mapping of Guiding Principles across NDMO and DCAM Frameworks.

Data Value Realization

The NDMO Data Value Realization Domain contains multiple specifications that require a many-to-many mapping to DCAM (see Figure 6).

Figure 6: Mapping of Data Value Realization Across NDMO and DCAM Frameworks.